
Parteneriate cu agenții economici
Prin pregătirea asigurată în facultate absolvenţii au şanse reale pe piaţa forţei de muncă, atât în judetul Dâmboviţa, cât şi în alte zone ale ţării. Pentru a veni in sprijinul studentilor, Facultatea de Ingineria Materialelor si Mecanică a incheiat contracte de colaborare cu diferite intreprinderi de profil, in vedrea desfasurarii programelor de practica productiva.
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We-in Tech – program We are reaching out to inform you about the “WE-inTech” Program, an exciting global initiative to empower women, organized by Arçelik in Turkey, Arctic in Romania, Defy in South Africa and Dawlance in Pakistan. The “WE-inTech” Program aims to encourage more women to enter and take up careers in engineering and other STEM fields, while also promoting Research and Development (R&D) and innovation on a global scale. The program is applicable to all women who are currently in their 3rd or 4th year of their undergraduate studies in subjects related to engineering, science, and technology. While the program’s primary goal is to promote ‘Next Generation R&D’, we are committed to encouraging women to engage with R&D and engineering professions, therefore only applications from women students will be considered. Throughout the virtual 3-day workshop, students will have the opportunity to meet with researchers from all over the world and as well as teams from Arçelik, Arctic, Defy, Dawlance to transform innovative ideas into applied solutions. Additionally, workshop attendees will also work on developing products and business models that add value to society in design-oriented thought leadership sessions. Students eligible to participate will work on ongoing programs at our companies, while also receiving mentorship and support provided within the program’s scope, which will then carry on for a year after the program. Furthermore, students will also benefit from internships and job opportunities for open positions at our companies, following completion of the workshop.
We will be accepting applications for the program between October 4th and November 8th, 2023. The workshop itself will take place between November 24-26, 2023.
We kindly request that you share this information about the program with relevant audiences. Details and the e-announcement for the program can be found at: |
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Dragi studenti, |
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Arctic S.A. Gaesti organizeaza concurs de proiectare adresat studentilor - primirea inscrierilor din partea studentilor, prin e-mail la adresa (pana la 30.10.2014) | ![]() |
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Renault Romania invita studentii din anii II, III, IV si Master sa se inscrie in Programul de Stagii
- prima experienta practica in domeniul ales; - indrumarea specialistilor Renault Romania; - posibilitatea realizarii lucrarii de licenta; - sansa de obtinere a unui loc de munca; - stagiu platit. Pentru informatii accesati pagina! | ![]() |
S.A. Targoviste
S.A. Targoviste
• COS Donalam Targoviste
• ARCTIC S.A. Gaesti
• DACIA - RENAULT -Piteşti
EUROPE - Buzău
• METERRA S.A. - Giurgiu
• DONAU CHEM - Turnu